Conferences & Reporting Schedule

FIRST ROUND OF CONFERENCES:   Goal Setting Conferences (Parent/Teacher/Student):  Wed, Oct 25 & Thur 26, 2023 (both days have early dismissal at 2:00 pm).  

Appointments will be done in person this year.  You may book your appointment online here: 

Goal-Setting Conference Schedule

Here is a link to an explanation of the Student Competency Scale:

Explanation of the Student Competncy Scale-q7xmgo


2nd ROUND OF CONFERENCES Open House: Student-led Conferences

Tuesday Feb 13 and Thursday Feb 15 from 2:00 – 5:00pm

These conferences are student-led.  Students will lead their parents/guardians through a portfolio of earning experiences, reflections and goal-setting. There may be 3 or 4 conferences occuring at any given time.  Each conference is scheduled for 20 minutes but you may take more time if needed.

Note: both days have early dismissal at 2:00 pm  

Book a conference